We offer various Bible Study programs throughout the year. Programs are offered both in the evening and during the day to give more people the opportunity to attend.
Contact: Cheryl Kitchin 765-969-3945 or Tom Kitchin 765-969-5572
The purpose of the Cursillo Movement is to bring a change in the environment (home, work, church, community). It is a deliberate act to bring Jesus Christ into the world. It is designed to help us be more Christlike in our thoughts, words, and actions.
Individuals typically begin the Cursillo Movement by attending a three-day weekend at St. Joseph's Retreat Center in Tipton. After the weekend, support groups are formed to give the individuals to persevere in increasing their lives of holiness, formation (study), and evangelization.
Central Indiana Cursillo website
SPRED (Special Religious Education) covers spiritual education for parishioners with special needs. Our goal is to bring SPRED to our Catholic community so that all children and adults may be welcomed into our church.
Contact: Denise Gray 765-977-8469